Welcome 2019!!!! We here at R.M. Brooks store are excited about this upcoming year. We have started it off with great expectations for what God has for us in this new season. We have missed everyone and hope everyone had a Blessed Christmas. This year we are going to do our best to keep everyone updated on the happenings in our corner of the woods more frequently. Gary and Tiffany have reported that their holiday was wonderful and with all of their children and mother in law gathering at her moms house it was a quite, yet wonderful time. They then took a much needed week off. Although they said they both got a little touch of the sniffles while they were off it was still nice. Also this year there is two new additions to their family. Son Mitch and his wife Lisa had a daughter in October named Hadleigh and daughter Kellie and husband Austin had a son named Clayton in January. So their little family is growing. So on to some local things going on in this area. There is great new pathway being built from the store on into the village. This will be great for walking up the trail from the bridge into the village. This will be the first phase of eventually having the pathway paved at sometime in the future, but for now we are very excited about the progress. This project is in direct conjunction with the Sheltowee Trace Trail that is coming from the Daniel Boone National forest into Big South Fork National River and Recreational Area. It will soon be time for Historic Rugby to be opening up again so be sure to check out their website for upcoming events. Speaking of upcoming events March 30-31 William Paul Young, the author of The Shack will be holding a workshop at Rugby so be sure to check out what's going on there. Ms. Linda reports that the Morgan Tourism Alliance has been meeting and planning upcoming events in Morgan County this year. We cant' wait to know what they are planning. Her holiday season was FILLED and she says she appreciates everyone who came to her house for the holiday season this past year. Frozen Head State Park has sent their list of events going on and they sure are kicking things off this year. They are working so hard to get activities going in the park, so if your looking for something to do local go check them out, Frozen head is in the Wartburg area. Ms. Kathy Gernt came by the store today with her friend and what a delight it was to see her, Tiffany remembers her from high school but we won't tell how long ago that was!! They got themselves a fried bologna sandwich and bowls of homemade chili to take with them on their outing today. So according to the weather and reports Tiffany says she is hearing in the store it looks like we might be in for a cold February, of course only the good Lord above knows what it will do, but we guess it's better to be over prepared than under. So gather your wood, pay your heat bill and gather up the blankets. So on a final note, during this time in our nation, as we who know Christ and call ourselves Christians must ask ourselves a couple of questions, if we say we know who our God is, then do we we truly understand the word Trust, do we Trust Him? For his Word says he will never leave us or forsake us, he is our peace, he is our vindicator, and so much more. And secondly as Christians we are CALLED!! Are we truly rising up to the call God has entrusted us to carry out. Remember the greatest of things is the salvation of those who are lost, for God wants all of his children to be with him in paradise. Rise up and Speak out in Love, once someone really encounters the Love of God and gives their heart to him the rest will fall into place.
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